

         WTT认为在垃圾处理设施中整合机械和生物技术综合利用是未来的发展趋势。 WTT是建造机械和生物综合垃圾处理(MBT)设施的最大欧洲公司之一。
         WTT, founded in 1996, is a renowned and experienced turn-key supplier of high-tech waste treatment solutions. We design, construct, build and maintain more than 120 waste treatment facilities all over the world from our offices in the Netherlands (HQ), Australia, Canada and China. 
         WTT believes that integrating mechanical and biological technology in waste treatment facilities is the way forward. WTT is one of the biggest European players in building integrated mechanical biological treatment installations (MBT).
         1. 机械生物综合处理(MBT)系统可实现50-60%的减量化,从源头上遏制二噁英,入炉RDF热值高达2,600-3,000大卡。
         Mechanical and Biological Treatment (MBT) system can achieve size reduction of 50-60%, suppress flue gas pollution from the source and produce RDF with calorific value up to 2,600-3,000 Kcal transporting to the incinerator.
         2. 干式厌氧和堆肥综合处理系统针对生活垃圾、厨余垃圾和园林垃圾,可产生电能和热能、绿色天然气和有机肥料。
         Integrated Dry AD and Composting System, applicable to MSW, household kitchen waste and green waste, can turn waste into power, heat, natural gas and agricultural fertilizer.
         3. 仓式堆肥处理针对有机质湿垃圾和绿化垃圾,可产生高质量的有机肥料。
         Composting system, applicable to organic waste and green waste, can turn waste into high-quality agricultural fertilizer

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